FLF: Flying through China’s new ADIZ

FLF: Flying through China’s new ADIZ
A Flight Level Fact about China’s new Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) is just what we need to clear the air(space)!

In November 2013, China announced their newly claimed East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (abbreviated ADIZ), an area consisting of most of the East China Sea. The announcement has not only ruffled a few political feathers, but has also poised some difficult questions for members of the general aviation community.

The most pressing question is whether the newly claimed space will require specialized overflight authorizations. Because the ADIZ has been claimed by China, and China airspace requires permits for any flights landing in or flying through, some flight planners fret that in order for their birds to fly through this space, they must obtain a special permit from China.Luckily, however, this additional step is not necessary. Because the claimed airspace overlaps the airspace of several other countries, you do NOT have to secure a special permit for flights that must travel through the space. All that’s required is that the flight plan be on file with the correct countries. So don’t fret; ordering from the East China Sea restaurant down the street is trickier than flying over the airspace!
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